hbIDE is a complete PRG level OO ( class code ) implementation and is based on mixed calls to hbXBP and hbQT libraries. It is difficult to distinguish on which primary subsystem it is based on, but, however, demoonstrate the power of using both ways of code frameworks in a single application. This approach has been adopted from the fact that Xbase++ class framework is much limited as compared to the power of Qt classes that not all can be encapsulated in hbXBP unless it is extended to include classes matching that of Qt. It is already planned to enhance hbXBP framework beyond what Alaska offers in Xbase++, and once in place, hbIDE will be overhauled to be based on hbXBP alone.
The above description is an abstraction of the whole and may_be/may_not_be grasped by the new comers, so I briefly describe below what these two libraries are all about.
Is a wrappers library for binding Nokis's Qt ( http://qt.nokia.com/ ), a cross-platform GUI framework library. It follows Qt's class hirarchy "as is" and encapsulate its objects in exactly the same way Qt does. We call it - Harbour's Bindings for Qt and is named as hbQT - hb=Harbour Qt=Qt. It is comprised of two components,
1. .cpp compliant functions
2. .prg level Qt compliant class framework, the methods of which, call functions of ( 1 .cpp ).
Click here for some detailed knowledge how these two components are working.
Is a class framework 100% based on Alaska's Xbase++ ( www.alaska-software.com ) and call hbQT's class-methods to render GUI components. It also implements Harbour extensions to enhance Xbase++ compatible classes to new dimensions. The goal is to compile Xbase++ code in Harbour ( and with multi-platform support ) without any changes whatsoever. To some extent hbXBP has been successful in doing so. I am sure, it will absorb Xbase++ code completely in coming future. It is just a matter of time which is always limited.
Click here for a detailed view of hbXBP.
Page url: http://hbide.vouch.info/?the_built.htm