hbIDE's growth can be summarized as:
• | what it is today, |
• | what is proposed, |
• | what is on todo list, |
• | its strengths, and |
• | pitfalls |
What it is today
• | Implements: multiple projects edit,compile,link cycles with multiple compilers from within single instance. |
• | Implements: tracking the compile/link errors and opening the source containing thus error in the editor with offending line under cursor. |
• | Implements: multiple editing sessions within a single instance with easy navigation and cut/copy/paste portability amongst them. |
• | Implements: high-performance edit instances with a bunch of features, such as, intelligent auto-indentation; in-build keyword capitalization (.prg); ability to switch on/off line-number display; selected block operations: left-right indentation, single-line comments, multi-line comments, double to single quotes, single to double quotes; case conversions: lower to upper, upper to lower, invert cases; line operations: duplicating a line, deletion of line, moving lined in either direction - up/down; and many more. |
• | Implements: splitting one edit instance into multiple horizontal and/or vertical windows to edit different parts of the same source simultaneously. |
• | Implements: auto-disaster-recovery for every editing instance per minute interval ensuring the maximum amount of loss confined to a minute's work only. |
• | Implements: code-skeleton definition and rendering to next levels with user-defined macros and variables in addition to hbIDE defined macros. |
• | Implements: tagging of functions prototypes for next levels of function lookups and other "intellisense" features for multiple projects simultaneously. |
• | Implements: a reasonable level of "intellisense" providing code-completion lists, on-the-spot function prototype tips, full-blown function overlook, and more. |
• | Implements: a powerful "Find-in-files" feature accepting currently-opened edits, contained projects, folders on the disk including sub-folders, options for plain-text or regular expression search, and finally opening the source with currently clicked search-text highlighted in the editor. |
• | Implements: a unique "Document Viewer" which pulls the NANFORUM documentation format compliant .txt files from a "root folder" and tree and presents the contents in a navigable browser with options to - "Print", "Save as .pdf", and more. |
• | Implements: a unique way to write documentation for functions contained in the editing sessions with options to insert the same into the source at appropriate place or save as a NANFORUM documentation format compliant .txt file on disk which, in-turn, is fully compliant to be viewed in "Document Viewer" if opted as such. |
• | Implements: out-of-the-box syntax highlighting for .prg, .c, .cpp, .ch, .h, sources with a provision to set the highlighting themes in the hands of the user as per needs and offering a bunch of pre-defined themes plus interface to inject your own. |
• | Implements: intelligent "book-marks" with visual elements to define, locate and destroy - with least efforts - almost hassle free. |
• | Implements: to be used as simple text-editor, a project maintainer and/or builder, or both. |
• | Implements: "Tools & Utilities" features which extends hbIDE to take use of any other program, including the DOS prompt, to be executed with parameters from within hbIDE and in a detached manner. Probably it will be wise to extend it to accept parameters comprised of properties of hbIDE components, such as, source file name on disk opened in current editor instance. |
• | Implements: saving the current state of hbIDE when exited normally and restores the exact same environment at next run, including the editors state per cursor position, the size and position of the main frame, and lot more. |
• | Implements: an interface to define short-cut macros just like xMate plus including some extended functionality. |
• | Implements: three types of selection modes: 1. Stream Selection 2. Column Selection 3. Line Selection. All type of blocks are persistent across files. Stream selection mode is a standard text selection protocol implemented by every text editor in the world. Column selection has some peculiar application and Line selection mode offer yet another functionality. All types offer standard cut/copy/paste behavior. Paste operation honors the selection mode, f.e., a block selected under column mode will be pasted as column block. Line blocks overwrite the exiting lines if pasted. |
• | Implemented: a simple yet powerful interface to hook third-party plugins designating it truely extensible. |
• | Implements: integration with Visual Source Safe ( VSS ), version control system. |
What is proposed
• | Visual debugger - someone has to jump in as I know a little about debuggers and their behavior |
• | Form editor - which is out of question until we have a complete GUI framework in place. |
• | Object browser - what is this ? |
• | Version control (SVN) integration - should be easy; need to explore the command-line commands. |
What is on todo list
• | Wizard based project creation for different compilers - xHarbour, Clipper, Xbase++, Flagship, Clip; for multiple C compilers. |
• | An out-of-the-box experience for Xbase dialect programmers without the hassles of writing tough scripts to achieve high levels of productivity. |
• | An all-in-one, composite-components oriented, highly desktop real-estate conscious interface leveraging the levels of productivity to highest extent. |
• | With a programmer-oriented approach shedding any inclination of commercial orientation. |
• | With highest possibilities to be extended by anyone who does not have any interaction with C language. |
• | High memory-intensive back-bone. |