To be on quicker side below are the steps to load a project:
( more details will follow in the coming days )
• | Right-click the "Projects" node of "Projects" tree. |
• | Select "Open Project..." |
• | Select exiting project file ( Harbour .hbp, xMate .xhp ) |
• | Project will be added in the project tree. |
[ One-time Settings ]
• | Click on "Compiler Environments" icon on right-toolbar. |
• | Click on folder icon next to "Path to hbIDE env:" field. |
• | Select "hbide.env" file from fileopen dialog and click "Open" button. |
[ Infact, you are encouraged to copy this hbide.env file at the root of your projects folder and then make changes to confirm to your workings ]
• | Edit contents loaded from this file in the editor to suit paths to different compilers to match your workings. |
• | Click "Save and Exit" button at the bottom, Dialog will disappear. |
[ /One-time Settings ]
• | Right click on project name node in the "Projects Tree" and point to "Select an Environment..." and select one from the popup menu. |
• | Thus selected environment should be visible in "Env:" panel of status-bar and remain valid for any next project "build" until changed. Also this setting is retained intact for next run. |
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