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To be on quicker side below are the steps to load a project:

( more details will follow in the coming days )


Run hbIDE
Right-click the "Projects" node of "Projects" tree.
Select "Open Project..."
Select exiting project file ( Harbour .hbp, xMate .xhp )
Project will be added in the project tree.

[ One-time Settings ]

Click on "Compiler Environments" icon on right-toolbar.
Click on folder icon next to "Path to hbIDE env:" field.
Select "hbide.env" file from fileopen dialog and click "Open" button.

  [ Infact, you are encouraged to copy this hbide.env file at the root of your projects folder and then make changes to confirm to your workings ]

Edit contents loaded from this file in the editor to suit paths to different compilers to match your workings.
Click "Save and Exit" button at the bottom, Dialog will disappear.

[ /One-time Settings ]

Right click on project name node in the "Projects Tree" and point to "Select an Environment..." and select one from the popup menu.
Thus selected environment should be visible in "Env:" panel of status-bar and remain valid for any next project "build" until changed. Also this setting is retained intact for next run.
Build the project.



Page url: http://hbide.vouch.info/?loading2.htm